Jenn Voki

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Blog Entry #2


For this activity,  students will be provided a short story focusing on various verbs. The students will be instructed to read the sample and identify the verbs present throughout the reading. For our purposes the verbs in the reading are highlighted below.

Hobbies are activities that people enjoy doing. One of my favorite hobbies is playing soccer! I just love running up and down the field and kicking the ball in the goal, scoring points for my team.
My friend Jenna has a hobby that is much different then mine. Her hobby is drawing. She absolutely loves to draw. She can draw anything from people to places. She can draw just about anywhere. She draws when she is at home sitting in her room. She draws when we are at lunch eating in the cafeteria. She even draws during class sometimes, when she isn't supposed to. Jenna loves drawing.
Our other friend Luke also has a hobby. He loves to ride his skateboard. Everywhere Luke goes, his skateboard is always there to follow. He rides his skateboard to school, to the store, and even to his grandma's house. Luke sure does loves skateboarding!
There are so many different hobbies that people have. It is even possible to have more then one hobby. This is because there are always so many fun things to do! Hobbies are great!
Below is a word bank full of vocabulary terms to assist students while reading the passage:
1. enjoy: the act of liking what they are doing
2. playing: participating in a sport
3. running: the act of moving really fast
4. kicking: using your feet to aim the ball where you want it to go
5. scoring: doing something to cause your team to score a point
6. drawing/draw(s): to express thought through pictures
7. sitting: the act of being in a seated position
8. eating: the act of chewing food.
9. love(s): someone or something that one strongly likes
10. ride: being carried by something moving
11. goes: to go somewhere
12. skateboarding: moving yourself while standing on a board with wheels
Can you list two other verbs not mentioned in the reading that you enjoy doing?
1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________
 Here is a fun Brain Pop video that further explain verbs in a fun way. Sit down, relax, and enjoy the show!


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Blog Entry #1


For this activity, I created a fill in the blank activity for potential students to use on the first day of school to get students acclimated with common school terminology. This would be especially helpful for ESL students so that they can learn all about school and all the places you would go for help.

Vocabulary Terms
1. school: a place where students go to learn
2. teacher: an adult who helps students learn
3. students: children in a class who learns new things
4. nurse: an adult who helps someone who is sick or hurt
5. secretary: an adult who works in the office to help students, teachers, and principals
6. librarian: an adult who helps children find books in the library
Welcome to School
_____________ comes to school every day. They meet with the ____________ to learn new and interesting things. If you need any help or need to call home you would probably go to the office and the ___________ would help you. If you get sick and need some resting time you would usually go to the ___________. Reading books can be so much fun. When I want to find a good book you would go to the library and would find the __________ if you need any help to find a good read. School is a very big place with a lot of  people so if you have any questions about where to find help from anyone you can always ask the teacher!
The paragraph above used the present tense. An example of the present tense for the word walk would be the walk or walks if writing a sentence about walking to school.
Some example of words found in the present tense from the paragraph are:
  1. come
  2. meet
  3. learn
  4. go

Can you find two other verbs in the present tense from the paragraph above?

1. ____________________

2. ____________________

Here are some fun games to help you learn more about the present tense! Once you get to the website click on a game of your choice and most importantly HAVE FUN!