Jenn Voki

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Blog Entry #7

Abstract Nouns
Abstract Nouns are ideas or concepts or things that you feel or think about. These are nouns that we know are real, but cannot use any of our senses (see, hear, smell, taste or touch) to detect them.
Directions: Read the story below and try to pick out which nouns are abstract.
The Dog Named Boomer

Boomer was a dog who was put in a shelter after his owner could no longer are for him. Boomer longed for his freedom. He couldn't wait for the day that he could get out and run around free. He could not wait till he found a family to love him. He hoped that his day to go home would be soon. Then one day a little boy named Robert came in with his family. The minute he laid eyes on Boomer he knew an instant bond had been form. The boy begged his parents to adopt Boomer. Later that day they took Boomer home and from then a true friendship had formed. Boomer was truly satisfied with his new life with a loving family.
Next, Read each sentence below and circle the abstract nouns. Some sentences may have more then one so make sure you READ CAREFULL!
1. On the first day of school the teacher asked all the students to think about the importance of friendship.
Answer: importance, friendship
2. The love that the child had for his grandmother was so visible
Answer: love
3. He looked at the money with greed in his eyes.
Answer: greed
4.  The man had such satisfaction with the large steak dinner he ate that he could not button his pants.
Answer: satisfaction
5. Her eyes were full of hope the moment the parents agreed to take in the puppy.
Answer: hope

Blog Entry #6

Frequently Confused Words


To: a word used to represent purpose
Too: a word used to display an abundance of something
Two: refers to the number 2

There: a word used to describe a point or a place
Their: a word indicating possession

They're: the contraction for "they are"

Through: to be done with something; to go into something
Threw: the action of tossing something from one place to another

knew: to have knowledge of something
new: something that has never been seen or done or used before

Directions: Read the story bellow to help better understand homonyms.

First Day of School
 It was the first day at my new school. Once I arrived, I was super nervous to go through the doors. There were so many people all around. There were so many kids all over. I knew I had to find my classroom. It was definitely hard being the new kid on campus. At recess a boy threw his ball to me. Then he invited me over and introduced me to his group of friends. They're really nice kids. The bell rang to go back inside, so I gave them back their ball. After lunch I felt so much better about being at a new school. By the end of the day I really enjoyed being in a new town with all new people. I knew I was going to fit right in.

Activity: Read the sentences below about frequently confused words and fill in which word appropriate fits in each blank.

1. _____ was a boy who had a group of friends. _______  such a fun group of friends who get along. They are all on a baseball team together. _________ team always wins.

Answer: there, they're, their

2. _______ students ate _____ much candy that their stomach hurt and they had ____ go to the nurse.

Answer: two, too,to

3. The little girl I babysat _____ a ball at my face and after that I knew I was _____ with that job.

Answer: threw, through

1. I ________ if I let my little brother play with my ________ toy it would end up broken.

Answer: knew, new

Online Study Tools:

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Blog Entry #5

For the activity below,  you will need identify the characteristic of the verb that is presented in each sentence. Use the word bank provided to assist you with the task.

Finite & nonfinite verbs
Finite verb are verbs that are connected to common nouns. Nonfinite verbs are verbs that are able to stand alone.

Tense and aspect verbs
Tense verbs are verbs that show the time of the event from the point of view of the speaker. Aspect verbs show if the action in the verb is continuous, completed, or habitual.

Modality verbs
Modality verbs show the likeliness that something will occur. It shows probability, obligation, or ability.

Form-type of verbs
There are three forms of verbs. There is the simple present verb in which -s is added to the end of the base. There is also the present participle in which -ing is added. And then there is the simple past and the past participle which is expressed by adding -ed.

Active or passive voice verbs
Active voice verbs are verbs where the subject is the do-er; the verb is the active voice. When the subject is the done-to the verb is the passive voice.

Transitive or intransitive verbs
Transitive verbs are verbs where some action is moved across the verb to another nominal group; usually known as the object. intransitive verbs are verbs that Intransitive is the opposite where some action is not moved across the verb.

Read each sentence and identify the characteristic of the verb that is present.

1. John watches his favorite show on television every Monday night at seven o'clock. (FINITE)
2. I am not sure, but Kelsey might be coming to class tonight. (MODALITY)
3. On Saturday I am going to the fair. (FORM-TYPES; PRESENT TENSE)
4. John kicked the ball. (TRANSITIVE)
5. Kerry tossed the ball for hours (PASSIVE VOICE)
6. I love to dance. (NON-FINITE)

Below is on online quiz for transitive and intransitive verbs:">Variable

Blog Entry #4

Read the story below to find out how Ms. H spent her weekend. After reading, fill in the correct pronoun that fits in each blank using the word bank provided.

What is a pronoun?
A pronoun is a class of nouns that substitute nouns.

Word Bank

I: a word used in place of one's self or in place of their name
it: a word used in place of a noun
they: a word used in place of a group of people
them: the informal form of they
their: a word to describe something being a possession of someone else
we: a word used to describe a group of people in which you are included
me: the informal form of "I"

This past weekend was so much fun! I took a ride to Staten Island to do a pizza tour with my family. _it_ was so fun seeing _them_ . When I arrived to   their    house, we immediately left for the first restaurant. As  we_ were driving there   they  told  me   all the about the pizza places we were going to since _I_ have never been before.

When _we  got to the restaurant we order a large pie for everyone to share. The pizza was so good! _It_ was the best pizza I had ever tasted (and believe me , I've tasted a lot of pizza)!

Next, _we  were off to the next pizza place. Again we order a large plain pie. After testing that pizza _we_ all decided that the first one was still our favorite.

Then we drove to the last and final pizza place. When we got there we ordered the same as we  did at all the other places; a large plain pie. I am not quite sure if this pizza was our least favorite because we were so full or really because it was not a contender.

After being stuffed to the brim of pizza we went back to play some board games and reflect on the wonderful day that we had. Boy do I love pizza, but something tells me I won't want pizza for a long time.

Use the link below to find some worksheet that help further your student's understanding of pronouns:

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Blog Entry #3

The past tense is a verb tense used to explain events that have already occurred. The following exercises will help students understand the use of simple past tense.
Because I feel patriotism is an important issue to talk about, I wanted to bring this article into discussion. The article brings up the issue of not allowing American patriotism to be openly displayed at a Colorado high school. This brings up for much debate because America is so diverse. 

1. Read the following article You can't celebrate America, school says found at: & also displayed below

2. Use the word bank below to help further understand the past tense:

declined: to have denied someone something they asked for
confused: to have made something unclear
offered: to have given something
required: to have needed something
rejected: to have been denied something
huddled: to have gathered together

3. Next, underline the words in the article that are presented to the reader in ONLY the past tense.

You can’t celebrate America, school says

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Blog Entry #2


For this activity,  students will be provided a short story focusing on various verbs. The students will be instructed to read the sample and identify the verbs present throughout the reading. For our purposes the verbs in the reading are highlighted below.

Hobbies are activities that people enjoy doing. One of my favorite hobbies is playing soccer! I just love running up and down the field and kicking the ball in the goal, scoring points for my team.
My friend Jenna has a hobby that is much different then mine. Her hobby is drawing. She absolutely loves to draw. She can draw anything from people to places. She can draw just about anywhere. She draws when she is at home sitting in her room. She draws when we are at lunch eating in the cafeteria. She even draws during class sometimes, when she isn't supposed to. Jenna loves drawing.
Our other friend Luke also has a hobby. He loves to ride his skateboard. Everywhere Luke goes, his skateboard is always there to follow. He rides his skateboard to school, to the store, and even to his grandma's house. Luke sure does loves skateboarding!
There are so many different hobbies that people have. It is even possible to have more then one hobby. This is because there are always so many fun things to do! Hobbies are great!
Below is a word bank full of vocabulary terms to assist students while reading the passage:
1. enjoy: the act of liking what they are doing
2. playing: participating in a sport
3. running: the act of moving really fast
4. kicking: using your feet to aim the ball where you want it to go
5. scoring: doing something to cause your team to score a point
6. drawing/draw(s): to express thought through pictures
7. sitting: the act of being in a seated position
8. eating: the act of chewing food.
9. love(s): someone or something that one strongly likes
10. ride: being carried by something moving
11. goes: to go somewhere
12. skateboarding: moving yourself while standing on a board with wheels
Can you list two other verbs not mentioned in the reading that you enjoy doing?
1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________
 Here is a fun Brain Pop video that further explain verbs in a fun way. Sit down, relax, and enjoy the show!


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Blog Entry #1


For this activity, I created a fill in the blank activity for potential students to use on the first day of school to get students acclimated with common school terminology. This would be especially helpful for ESL students so that they can learn all about school and all the places you would go for help.

Vocabulary Terms
1. school: a place where students go to learn
2. teacher: an adult who helps students learn
3. students: children in a class who learns new things
4. nurse: an adult who helps someone who is sick or hurt
5. secretary: an adult who works in the office to help students, teachers, and principals
6. librarian: an adult who helps children find books in the library
Welcome to School
_____________ comes to school every day. They meet with the ____________ to learn new and interesting things. If you need any help or need to call home you would probably go to the office and the ___________ would help you. If you get sick and need some resting time you would usually go to the ___________. Reading books can be so much fun. When I want to find a good book you would go to the library and would find the __________ if you need any help to find a good read. School is a very big place with a lot of  people so if you have any questions about where to find help from anyone you can always ask the teacher!
The paragraph above used the present tense. An example of the present tense for the word walk would be the walk or walks if writing a sentence about walking to school.
Some example of words found in the present tense from the paragraph are:
  1. come
  2. meet
  3. learn
  4. go

Can you find two other verbs in the present tense from the paragraph above?

1. ____________________

2. ____________________

Here are some fun games to help you learn more about the present tense! Once you get to the website click on a game of your choice and most importantly HAVE FUN!