Jenn Voki

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Blog Entry #3

The past tense is a verb tense used to explain events that have already occurred. The following exercises will help students understand the use of simple past tense.
Because I feel patriotism is an important issue to talk about, I wanted to bring this article into discussion. The article brings up the issue of not allowing American patriotism to be openly displayed at a Colorado high school. This brings up for much debate because America is so diverse. 

1. Read the following article You can't celebrate America, school says found at: & also displayed below

2. Use the word bank below to help further understand the past tense:

declined: to have denied someone something they asked for
confused: to have made something unclear
offered: to have given something
required: to have needed something
rejected: to have been denied something
huddled: to have gathered together

3. Next, underline the words in the article that are presented to the reader in ONLY the past tense.

You can’t celebrate America, school says

1 comment:

  1. An interesting article that you found. It would seem that in Colorado the school administrators took multiculturalism a bit too far.
    Remember to add a vocabulary exercise.
